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Big Fat Real Estate Checks

Apr 29, 2021

In today’s episode, we are going to continue discussing the importance of finding the right tenants and how to charge them. This week's series about how to know if you have good tenants will give you tips and you can apply the information that we will be provided in this episode.


Apr 28, 2021

To maintain a property, you’ve got to have tenants. Not just any tenants, but the right tenants that you want your community to live with. In today’s episode. Marco and his co-hosts talk about the importance of having the right set of people living on your property and how to find them.


Apr 22, 2021

In today’s episode, Marco and his co-host Gabriel Araish discuss how to handle wholesalers when they bring us opportunities and ensure that the deal won’t go sideways. Learn how to use these tactics to your benefit. The more skills you have, the more refined they are, and the more money you can make by using these...

Apr 21, 2021

Because there are so many ways to make money in real estate, it's important to know what areas you should invest in. Understanding how it works and learning the rules in a specific area are essential. In this episode, Marco and his co-host Gabriel discuss what to do in areas where you should invest and what your...

Apr 15, 2021

Today's episode is a continuation of the previous one.

Understanding where and when to obtain a property contract is an excellent way to invest in the business. In this episode, we will discuss what areas to focus on when purchasing rough properties and the importance of knowing what steps to take to get monetized in...